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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bald Eagle

Now, this is a bird that you have to know. If you don't know it, then you don't know the most well-known bird, the national bird, and probably the most majestic bird. It was actually considered endangered in almost all states until 1995. In July of that year, it was taken off the endangered list but it was still on the threatened list. Then in June 2007 it was actually taken off endangered and threatened. But, it is still illegal to take, sell, poach, etc. bald eagles.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The mangroves...

The mangroves. So misunderstood. Most people can hardly recognize them and just plow through without any second thought as to how they might be important. Even if they do think about it, this is probably going through their mind. "It's just a couple of trees... How important can they be?"  But when you are tearing down those "couple of trees", you are ruining an important part of our ecosystem. Mangroves protect uplands from winds, storms, rains, and floods. 75% of game fish and 90% of commercial species in South Florida rely on those. So when you ruin the mangrove forest you are ruining the thing that almost all of our fish are dependent on. They provide shelter for many birds, help prevent erosion, and provide food for multiple species. And after you tear down four square miles of mangroves to make room for a few condos, you can think back to all the animals you are destroying and all the shelter and protection you are getting rid of.http://www3.leegov.com/dcd/Environmental/Mangroves.htm